
Eurobonds for efficiency and solidarity

Without a new European patriotism, the decline of the EU is inevitable. After the failure of the European Council, a dynamic compromise between Germany/The Netherlands and the 8 states advocating "coronabonds" is urgently needed 03.04.2020 On 26 March, an utterly divided EU emerged from the European Council dedicated to European measures aimed at managing the severest crisis since 1929, one far worse than the 2012-2017 crisis. The coronavirus pandemic and the transpiring economic and social crises present Europe with an extraordinary opportunity: to decide to move towards a deeper unity, or to decline irrevocably. The prevailing road will naturally depend on the decisions of the governments in the European Council and other EU institutions; but also, and above all, on the mobilization of citizens and the public opinion in each of the Member States. Can we still expect concrete and visible measures managing the ongoing tragic health crisis, as well as the imminent
Letter to the European Parliament for a EU Constitution .......................................................... Dear Member of the European Parliament, EU citizens rely on you. They have voted for you, hoping that you will uphold European democracy. You are the only direct link between EU citizens and EU politics. You are the warriors in the battle for democracy in the EU, a battle that is many times difficult. Hundreds of millions of citizens feel excluded from decision-making in the EU and their countries. You are the ones who can change this unfortunate circumstance. The EU has long been rightfully blamed for democratic deficit, which undermines the trust in the European project and casts doubt on the capacity and willingness of EU politicians to act in line with European values. Therefore, the EU needs an overhaul, which will bring it closer to its citizens. We, the EU Citizens Alliance, are hoping that you will work on the development of an EU constitution ad